Bitcoin Only (Bitcoin, Not Crypto)

Bitcoin Only (Bitcoin, Not Crypto)

Encourages focusing solely on Bitcoin and avoiding other cryptocurrencies, which are seen as inferior or fraudulent.

NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR COINS! (Also, Not Your Node, Not Your Rules)

NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR COINS! (Also, Not Your Node, Not Your Rules)

Reiterates the importance of private key ownership and extends to the idea that running your own node ensures you follow your own rules.

Bitcoin is a Strange Game

Bitcoin is a Strange Game

A riff on the concept that the only losing move in the Bitcoin game is not to participate.


Welcome to the Books section of EvoLensArt. Here, we provide brief overviews of our current book projects, each exploring unique intersections of technology, philosophy, and creativity. Dedicated pages for each book with more details and links will be available soon.

Our Books:

Stay tuned for more updates and detailed pages on each of these exciting projects.

21 Million

21 Million

Focuses on the finite supply of Bitcoin and its implications for value and scarcity.

The Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception

Highlights the idea that Bitcoin is a revolutionary open-source protocol, not tied to any single entity or government intervention.

Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins

Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins

Highlights the critical concept that true ownership of Bitcoin requires holding the private keys.